Thursday, September 6, 2012

And it Begins

Fourth year is finally on! With it start my efforts in to creating my senior animation film project. Not to worry, I have a plan! Through out this year I will be posting most of my preliminary work and process for you guys to follow along and see how my ideas and story develop.
I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I'm sure I will be enjoying it myself! This is a promising year and I could not possibly be more excited about it.
For starters then, I will post my first ever sketch related to my film idea. I will not go into details about the plot, but I will give you guys a bit though: It will be about a conversation between a little boy and a woman who is worried about this child since he seems to be lost. There is a bit of a twist in the end but I will hold that back for now (just for the fun of the mystery).

Enjoy guys!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a very good beginning !!! And I konw it just shows that your movie will be AMAZING!!